고향땅 밭뚝에서 채취해 태양 빛에 완전히 건조한 아주 쓴 맛 나는 머위 잎 2장을 넣어 라면 특유의 맛에 약간 씁쓸한 맛을 풍기는 "머위라면"을 준비해 보았습니다.^^
참고로 머위의 효능은 네이버에 검색해 보시면 아주 아주 자세하게 나왔다는 사실도 알려드려요.^^
상표등록도 아직은...^^ 2025.1.23.(목) 저녁
Today, we're going to have 2 meals and 3 meals
It's collected from the top of the field in my hometown, and it's completely dry in the sun. Add two very bitter Merwe leaves We have prepared "bittersweet ramen" that gives off a bit of bitterness to the unique taste of ramen.^^
For your information, if you search on Naver, I'll also let you know that Merwe's efficacy came out in very, very detail.^^ Evening on January 23, 2025 (Thursday)