나도 체육 특기생 될 뻔했슈(?)
거의 반백년(50년)된 상장을 선친께서 중요물품 보관상자 속에 잘 보관.관리하시던 나의 중학교시절 교내 체육대회에 남자"투포환선수" 로 출전하여 2등 입상한 자료입니다.ㅋㅋㅋ. 2023.8.15.(화) Nearly half a century (50 years) old, my late father kept it in a storage box for important items.A male "shooter" at an on-campus athletic competition when I was in middle school on the field as This is the material that won second place.LOL. August 15, 2023, Tuesday ほぼ半百年(50年)の喪章を先親..